Friday, March 2, 2012

Powder and Ski Patrol at Plattekill This Weekend

Let's hear it for the O'Donnell lady patrollers...
Okay this isn't really a post. It's not long. I'd wanted to write about the O'Donnell women. Three generations of them serve on the ski patrol. There's Rickie and her daughter-in-law Christy in this picture here (thank you Becky Porter for it). Rickie's granddaughter Bailey O'Donnell also serves in a red jacket. This is cool for three reasons: one ski patrol across the country are aging and need young' uns (or younger ones) to sign up and the O'Donnell family is keeping the ranks staffed. Then, Plattekill does its part to recruit and train and educate new patrollers thanks to Bim Ashford. Most importantly this gives me another excuse to talk up the ski patrol raffle and BBQ this Saturday.

Those fine men and women in red have your back. (And mine...). At Platty they're all volunteers, so let's show them our love. Particularly when we're skiing lots of lovely powder.

Okay that's a segue to show some powder shots that Becky Porter took on Sunday. I must apologize for forgetting my camera today. But, I had more serious thoughts on my mind: FRESH TRACKS. Sorry (sort of) if you missed them.

Thank you Becky Porter for remembering your camera.... 

Yes that's powder. I know you might have forgotten what it looks like.

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