Now that Plattekill is hosting a photo-contest follow them on Facebook for more info) it seems apt to talk about mountain shots. So, as you ponder your own skills, do
you think you have what it takes to shoot a picture of someone skiing down a hill or doing just about anything on any kind of plank or board at speed? It’s not easy. Then try capturing them nailing a jump. Check out the shots Bri George captures. Just about any afternoon at Plattekill you can see her half buried in the snow just to get the right image.
She started taking pictures at Plattekill when she was young, and by eighth grade people were coming up to her and saying, “Did you shoot me? Did you get that?” So she started to take it more seriously. Now she’s in school doing a BFA in photography at SAGE in Albany – Albany here being a key part of her choice. “My college couldn’t be more than an hour and a half away,” she says, “so I could come home and ski on the weekends.” (And see her boyfriend Jacob, the one nailing the 720s and Hand Drag 360s in many of her shots).
Bri’s dream would be a career shooting in the freestyle skiing industry. “At school we talk about our favorite photographers and no one knows about the ones in the ski industry, people like Nate Abbott or Felix Rioux. They’re known in the ski industry but not outside in the photo world, so people miss the skills they have” she says. Now, while she’s plotting her future and what she calls her personal fairytale of moving out West to shoot, we’re going to start featuring her shots on the blog.

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